This podcast episode features the life and legend of aviator Eddie Rickenbacker, nicknamed the ‘Aces of Aces’, based on his heroics while leading the 94th Squadron during World War I. Even as a young man, Eddie had a strong sense of adventure and even was a relief driver in the first ever Indianapolis 500, which took place in 1911.
A car man, pilot, entrepreneur and born leader are just some of the terms that best describe Eddie Rickenbacker. He went out to found a car company, that was acquired by General Motors, an airline, which later merged with Pitcairn Airlines and became Eastern Airlines, one of the largest employers in South Florida during the middle decades of the Twentieth Century.
Tune into this week’s podcast episode to hear more about the man that was known as the ‘Ace of Aces’, Eddie Rickenbacker. You can download this episode on your favorite podcast platform (iTunes, Stitcher, Soundcloud, Spotify), or listen directly on the Miami-History website. Please remember to click on the subscribe button and to provide a rating and comment on any of the aforementioned platforms.
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